Just your average clock animating, drawing, and making dreams come true in his spare time

Age 32, Male


University of the Arts

Tatsumi Port Island

Joined on 10/4/05

Exp Points:
4,944 / 5,380
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Vote Power:
6.34 votes
Police Sergeant
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PinClock's News

Posted by PinClock - December 23rd, 2008

Hey, I'm Pin and I'm Bored, so I'm doing this note Early.

Movies for '09

The Follwing is a list of PLANNED movies for 2009. This means that there of course will be suprises I haven't come up with yet. In Fact, last year I planned 6, while I wound up with at least 14! So Anyways, here's what I have

Kirby Krew Storybook Packet
The first one will be released after the 4th one comes out on my other sites.

John and Joe 6
This one will be kinda short. Also, it depends if Marie's voice Actress (Wolfwings on Newgrounds) decides to renew and work with me for '09. This would effect if there are more episodes as well. Expect this one in February.

Swiper Snipes Back: Reloaded
A remake of the original. In fact, the original is only part of what I have in store! Expect this one March 9th.

Kirby 32
This is diffrent from the canceled one (See "Mike C." in "Project Joro" for why it was canceled.) What will be in it is a surprise. Expect this one Sometime late Spring.

~Clockday Movie~
I'm working around with several ideas on this one, I cannot decide. I'd explain them, but I like keeping my Clockday flash a secret. Expect it August 15th.

The Adventure of Pirate Clock
The movie hinted at after the credits in "John and Joe 5". Expect it August 26th

I'm not really sure what I will do from there.

The Following I'm not sure about their release.

Gourmet Race Collection
This one is coming slowly, but is already at least 10% done. Check Out the demo in the gift packet.

Ness' Last Hope Sequel
SOME PEOPLE really want a sequel to this one. However, I'm still waiting to see if Nintendo will do anything about EarthBound on the virtual console.

Oh yeah, one more thing.
Looks like my pal Lucent slipped out a little surprise here (http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=vAvsrv wWSUU Start at 5:24). I will be making a new original flash called "Cool The Stickman" That will be released around New Year's. Lucent will be voicing Cool while I will be voicing other roles like his sidekick Coolpliss, as well as characters being voiced by "whoever else Pin invites along". It actually isn't a stick flash, and will contain a mixture of art stlyes from "Project Joro", the "John and Joe" series, and "Tom Fulp Saves the Day".

Stat Whoring: Yes, this is important too.
Over the years, these are my stats.

Total Submissions (To All sites): 57
Total Watchers/Subscribers: 20(DA) 15(NG) 31(YT) 9 (SA)
Average per Site: 18
Total Faves: 99(DA) 78 (NG) 7 (SA) 160 (YT)
Average per site: 87
Total Views: 5,299 (DA) 1215 (SA) 26954 (NG) 11665 (YT)
Average per site: 11238
Average per Submission (As in same one on all sites): 792
Total Comments: 180(DA) 263 (YT) 188 (NG) 99 (SA)
Average per site: 123
Most Popular Submission: Ness' Last Hope (Youtube Version)
Least Popular Submission: SBC's Loop (Sheezyart Version)

Have a great Holiday season!

Posted by PinClock - August 15th, 2008


VOTE 5 FOR MY MOVIE, and enjoy everyone else's movies too!

John and Joe 5 is also almost done.

Posted by PinClock - April 11th, 2008

Well, thanks to me getting the full version of Magic SWF2AVI, I can now host my videos up on the showcase of merryment and wonder that is Youtube. John and Joe 2 and Tom Fulp saves the day were up before, but now you can embrace all of my movies. I will now post what movies of mine will NOT be on Youtube, however...

Welcome Pin Clock-Off Synch=not pleasent.
Pin's Apology and Duck.fla Hates Clocks-loops
Luigi's Conquest-*Spoiler reasons*

Here's my youtube channel: http://youtube.com/user/kirbykrew

And also, another thing. I'm not really all that happy about the name change of "Bowser's Kingdom Eps. 10", it just shows how Newgrounds cannot take a joke. If you were one of the people who flipped out about the whole joke, I'm dissappointed in you. Kinda dissappointed in araskin500 as well. I mean, there are atleast 20 "Super Mario Bros. Z Ep. 7"s and does Alvin-Earthworm give a shit? No.

Also, if any INTELLEGENT PERSON would like to brawl me, just message me and I'll send you my FC.

For now,
Pin Clock/Kirbykrew

Posted by PinClock - April 3rd, 2008

Welcome to my 3rd year of working on Flash (It's been my third for a month, but Brawl's keeping me busy). As with each year, I now have a new profile image. Suprised I made it, huh? Anyways, here are some of the names up coming projects this year. (My flash years are March-March.)

Tom Fulp Destroys the Lazer
~Secret Clockday Movie~
John and Joe 4
Bit Clock's Revenge
How Bit Stole Halloween (Remake of Thebadshow's "How Bit Stoeld Halloween")
John and Joe 5
Swiper Snipes Back: Reloaded (Remake of Swiper Snipes Back)

Well, those are the garentees. Other possibilities are:
Kirby 32-Kinda in deep trouble without a Dedede voice
SECRET GAME-I get to it from time to time

Oh, and since there was yet another major Change, "Project Joro" will no longer appear on newgrounds, for the second time. It will be on my DA, so....yeah.

I hope you enjoy my upcoming Flash year, as I will!

Posted by PinClock - February 7th, 2008

If you look in my profile, you will see two new submissions after "How Bit Stoled Halloween", which Thebadshow let me remake (Expect it Oct. 31). One of them is the Montage Collab, which I finally got credit for. The other one, however, is "The Bad", which I have never known had existed untill I looked in my profile. Also, in the movie's comments, he states "Kirbykrew has to remake this also". Well, this was never a part of the deal for the rights to "How Bit Stoled Halloween" remake, so this'll less then likely get a remake. In fact, I request that untill I decide to dosomething with this, I shall have no relationship (well, anything to do with, rather) with "The Bad". Thank you.

John and Joe 3: 60%: On March 9th, It'll be time to D-D-D-D-D-D-D-DEUL!
E.B.N.N.3: 40%: Wll, I have no Idea what to say, though a Cameo or two will be changed from the original.
Project Joro NG Version: 22% NO MOAR INSIDE JOEKS K HAPPEH?
Kirby 32: 28%: Busy as Fuck, but getting to it.

That's all for now, C ya next time!

PS: To those who I'm on your favorite Artist, do you get a message or something when I make a news post?

EDIT: NVM, They don't, but it still seems like a pretty fucking good Idea.

Posted by PinClock - January 27th, 2008

John and Joe 3, as well as E.B.N.N.3 are well underway and shall be released March 9 and 12 correspondingly. My Marie voice was found and acted, so the series just might be able to take off again. Wish me luck, and see you on March 9th. Here are precents and little tips about what'll happen

John and Joe 3: 54% Hmm....What else important comes out on March 9th? let me think....

E.B.N.N.3: 35% Tequila's Ideas made this much better

Project Joro: 28% NOTE: I am aware that I said this would never be mentioned again, but I have decided that I will edit the movie out for NG. Massivly, there will be tons of diffrences between the NG and DA versions.

Kirby 32: 29% I swear I'm going to work on this, it'll come out in 4 parts.

There you go, have a good day.

Posted by PinClock - January 13th, 2008

*Long Term Role!*

I'm looking for someone to voice a character for a series of Mine. Here are some details.

Type of Voice: Cheery Teenage Girl.

Contact Methods:
AIM: PinClock92

Script: I'll be sure to have scripts for every episode of the series with the character. Plus I'll inform you of when I start the next episode.

I sincerily hiope that this leads to a good series, but It can't be done without that voice!

Audition Lines:
"You okay in there?"
" Tell Joe I said Hi!"

Deadline: January 17th

Oh, and a picture.

Female Voice Needed

Posted by PinClock - December 25th, 2007


My movie for Christmas

So, have a merry christmas, and a happy new year!

Posted by PinClock - August 26th, 2007

Today we celebrate the joke of hating clocks and Pirate Clock's Birthday.
and while you're reading this...


Posted by PinClock - August 2nd, 2007

Why hello, this is the 3rd week of my movie updates, which will no longer have anything to do with the title "Project Joro". Now that that's out of the Way, let's get to my progress, as well as stuff on my new Clockday Movie.

Kirby 32: 29%
Tidbit: The music that doesn't come from this game (Kirby 64) will come from Nightmare in Dreamland or the Sonic Advance Series.

The True Power of B: 10%
Summary: If you've seen how powerful B is in other Clock movies, you haven't Seen it's True Power.
Tidbit: Mr. Artist will be the main villain in this clockday film.

Like I've said before, I'll be in a collab or two, but info on that in the Clockday update.

Sorry, no Screenshot today, too busy on Clockday Movie.