Why hello, this is the 3rd week of my movie updates, which will no longer have anything to do with the title "Project Joro". Now that that's out of the Way, let's get to my progress, as well as stuff on my new Clockday Movie.
Kirby 32: 29%
Tidbit: The music that doesn't come from this game (Kirby 64) will come from Nightmare in Dreamland or the Sonic Advance Series.
The True Power of B: 10%
Summary: If you've seen how powerful B is in other Clock movies, you haven't Seen it's True Power.
Tidbit: Mr. Artist will be the main villain in this clockday film.
Like I've said before, I'll be in a collab or two, but info on that in the Clockday update.
Sorry, no Screenshot today, too busy on Clockday Movie.
When is clock day anyway? I know it is in august, but what day?
the 15th, my friend, the 15th.