Just your average clock animating, drawing, and making dreams come true in his spare time

Age 32, Male


University of the Arts

Tatsumi Port Island

Joined on 10/4/05

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2022 Update

Posted by PinClock - May 14th, 2022

Hello everyone what the fuck I am 30 why

Hope you're all well, I wanted to make this post to update you on how my life's going!

-IRL Stuff-

I need more job interviews and to lose more weight, but otherwise I'm in a better place than 2020. I *technically* got professional animation work experience working on a cartoon, but it didn't pay too well for the massive workload so I'm not gonna renew it, but it did pay for the Johou Battle stuff I'll get into later so at least something good came out of it. I'm also getting a new, much more powerful PC. How much that will increase my potential and capabilities we'll have to see, but I know it will come in handy for Johou among other things!

Johou Battle

Speaking of Johou Battle, I have a lot to report here! Thanks to the money, the advanced programming and music, aspects I couldn't cover myself, are all paid for! The soundtrack sounds great (waiting for it being closer to release to show any of it off though) and I'm on my last round with the advanced programmer before final initial tweaks and playtesting begins! 2022 seems quite likely this time!

Brawl Minus

My other game, Brawl Minus 5.0 (called 4.3 in my last post, but the version's so big we're going to the next number), is also looking pretty 2022 if I do say so myself! We got a huge boost in February and while that momentum hasn't always remained, it did spark a bit of life in development. I hope it's seen through to the end.

Clock Day 2022

As of writing there are 8 shots left in the first take. This isn't really a major one or even one I expect to be successful, but it's one I started in 2016 but never continued due to that fresh out of college optimism hoping I'd find work. Now I figure I may as well finish it.

Lower priority projects


Childhood stories

I'm done 10.5 out of 50 or so, and will continue and revise until the stories are all done. I still don't have a date for this, but I don't want to post them until they're all done either. It's still a low priority project and with 5 more years of Clock Stuff I don't even have an estimated date. What is my life.

Clockday 2026

While before I'd do work for this between other projects, I decided I wanted to wait until I was done the other Clock Day movies first. I'm gonna give myself 2 years for this one just to be safe. So what about 2025? Well, we'll cross that bridge when we get there.

Finished stuff


Since my last post I finished the following, with some reflection.

-Agents of K Corp 2021

Mighty Girl when submitted to Newgrounds placed Daily 3rd, and I'm thinking about why Agents of K Corp didn't even rank. A lot of it is likely with the nature of the original film itself. Since I didn't have access to the voice cast for the remake and also didn't want to do too too much beyond visual refinement, there wasn't a lot I could change. The biggest change between versions would be Henry's reaction after slapping the coffee out of Mati's hand, where thankfully I had a second more regretful sounding take of the line. The reaction was much better and more natural than the initial one, a huge improvement. Additionally the revision allowed me to tribute it to my Mom-mom Helen, who had passed away the summer after the 2016 version of the film was screened. I'm proud to place my senior thesis in honor of her now and most importantly that she got to see it.

If I were to give Agents of K Corp yet another go I'd aim for a full on remake with more scenes rather than a visually polished version of the 2016 film, but I need to get a life and would likely need dedicated staff for such a thing. Which again I need a life for first. But I also want to make different animations of different things too rather than polish K Corp forever so...

-Clock Day 2021

Time came out decently but I'll admit I was disappointed by the film's performance on Newgrounds. While in the Clock Crew's community rankings it placed 4th or 5th (I forget exactly) behind to be fair fantastic films that had me laughing hard, on Newgrounds it didn't even place top 10. I'd consider that a weak performance on my part, and if I had to contribute it to a specific aspect, it'd be not enough experimentation making the artstyle of the film work. I had created A style test illustration but I should have done some tests with motion. That said, I still think some movement like the leaf worked out well. I try to give myself a challenge of sorts each clock day, that time being no animating on ones, and I think it worked out decently, just the execution of SBC's movement could have been better.

-Tails Gets Trolled

Can't talk about this yet since it's not done but the TGT Anime Episode 1 is coming along smoothly enough even if it still feels like it's never coming out. I got my own things to work on though so I'm done contributing to it for now and it's in the director's hands. I did animate the entire OP solo and while the final version will have some revisions from him I'm still impressed with all the work I did for it.

Still got a lot of my table just like before, thankfully a little less but still very big portions to create! I look forward and hope that each one delivers!



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