Hello there, Kirbykrew/Pin Clock again going to inform you on the progress of my upcoming movies.I've decided to use the smiley as a feature, to show how much I've done. the happier it is, the more progress I've made. Other emotes that aren't on the Happy-sad chain will represent other things, like The 'Taped Mouth' one will reveal important movie info, The 'Shades/Cool' one will represent a new movie on the list, and the 'Wink' one will represent a movie has been released to the Portal, Along with the 'shock' one representing something I did was blammed. Anyways, here's the Precents/Info.
Kirby 32: 29%
Tidbit: Most of the music in this movie comes from Kirby 64 itself.
Project Joro: 28%
Tidbit: Most people's outfits have a meaning. Some only The people from my school will get, along with a few you will get as well.
Announcements: Starting August, I'm going to make my Quick Clockday movie as well as a collab part or two. More on that next week, as well as weekly screenshots which will start next week.
By For now,
Kirbykrew/Pin Clock
u r lame boy
well ur gayer